What can you do to support the cause?
Wear blue on Autism Awareness Day. During the month of April, there is Autism Awareness Day, when Autism Speaks encourages everyone to be a part of their campaign, Light It Up Blue. Many places around the nation “light up blue” to support people with autism. On April 2 this year, wear your favorite blue shirt to help raise awareness for Autism.
Share the Autism Puzzle. The most recognizable symbol of autism awareness is the Puzzle Ribbon. Sharing the ribbon (on your backpack, car, different social media platforms) is an easy way to stand with people on the autism spectrum, and spread knowledge to others.
Whether or not you choose to participate and show support this month, the important thing is support. Autism Awareness Month is a great time to show this, but the disorder does not only exist during April, so it’s essential to advocate for those on the spectrum all year-round. Happy Autism Awareness Month!
I'm not sure if you have already addressed this, but why do you think we are seeing more prevalence in the ASD diagnosis today, it seems to be a much more common diagnosis lately.